
·        I gained some insights into my personality and some tools to practice/use in the work environment (eg building self-confidence and participating in meetings and tips in connecting with the audience in my presentations). I also gained a listening ear and your perspective on different issues faced which helped me to put things into perspective. I felt valued and looked after!

·        I gained a deeper insight into the type of “tools” available to me to understand my deeper drivers and goals in life. This in turn helped me to help define areas where I needed to apply additional focus/change. Aside from just the tools, your calming, circumspect approach to dealing with any issues or negativity I brought forward certainly made the difference in being able to apply these tools. Thank you again for what was a very positive experience in my life!

·        I gained insight into what is important to me as well as the barriers that I myself am putting in progressing down the path that I would like to proceed upon. My experience has been great and it has been effective in growing and has helped me in identifying what is important and what is holding me back.

·        The coaching experience allowed me:

  •  An opportunity to soundboard my concerns and experiences to someone who is impartial and able to identify areas to  explore further.
  •  To get feedback that allowed and enabled me to see how I could re-organise my thoughts and adapt my behaviour
  •  To gain perspective; to emerge from a place of confusion and messy thoughts to a place where I could stand back and see the bigger picture.

·        I am more confident in dealing with and communicating with other people, and recognizing my abilities in the work environment. I am more comfortable with myself and appreciate who I am.

·        The coaching has really helped me with improving my confidence levels, making me believe that I am more valuable than I give myself credit for. You also reinforced that my feelings are important and should be voiced.

·        It gave me:

  •    A chance to reflect on my circumstances (professionally and personally)
  •   Assess my values and beliefs – what is really important to me
  •     To be authentic as far as possible
  •   To be less judgmental (internally and externally)
  •    Absolve me to myself
  •    Gain a new/different perspective
  •    A realization that I have a choice!
  •    Spurred me to act on those choices (however uncomfortable that may have been)
  •    Reduced my victim mentality
  •    Take risks
  •    See the longer term, bigger picture
  •    The ability to be present 

·        Allowed me to see different perspectives, challenged me, gave me the skills and tools to improve myself. 

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